Death In The Family: Life in the Business Of Death


Death In The Family: Life in the Business Of Death

My father, Mark O'Reilly has led the most fascinating life. He has 50 years experience working in the funeral industry, having started in 1973. Throughout those years, he has seen and experienced many strange and unusual things. As a child, I always looked forward to our long drives together, when I would hear so many of these unusual tales. I finally got together with him and spent months recording those stories so that I could share them with the world. We'll delve into the ins and outs of the industry, such as some of the more unusual cases, the small town bubble, and what it's like raising a family amidst the backdrop of the funeral business. There's tales of the paranormal, the funeral practices of different cultures, and so much more. You'll get various perspectives on growing up around the business from myself and my siblings, as well as from my mother who has been by his side from the beginning. This book is an insider's look into a world seldom seen by the masses.

Signed By Ronnie Angel

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